Pilot & Airfield Information
Here at Shobdon Airfield safety in all its aspects is of the highest importance.
Shobdon Airfield can be a busy environment with a variety of aviation activities from fixed-wing aircraft, microlights, helicopters, gyrocopters and gliders so PPR is essential.
NOTE: If you are not getting a response to your radio calls please ensure you have the correct frequency for Shobdon Airfield 118.155.
Even one incorrect digit could result in a failure to communicate.
Airfield Information
Shobdon airfield is a licensed facility and its information is up kept up to date in the UK AIP.
Powered aircraft wide circuits:
08 Right Hand 1000ft QFE
26 Left Hand 1000ft QFE
Helicopters 700ft QFE
Micro lights 500ft QFEGlider circuit to the north of the airfield.
Landing on Northside Grass Runway
The noise abatement procedures apply to all aircraft using Shobdon Airfield with the exception of the Air Ambulance Service, police and military traffic.
Please check our noise abatement circuit before arrival and help us to be good neighbours by complying with our unusually large circuit avoiding the villages of Pembridge(SW), Eardisland(SE) and Staunton-On-Arrow(W).
The circuit route is available in Pooleys, AFE and Jeppesen flight guides or see the diagram below. -
Shobdon Airfield holds a Border Force Certificate of Agreement permitting the handling of aircraft arriving from or departing for a place outside of the customs and fiscal territory of the United Kingdom.
100LL AVGAS - £1.92 / litre for non-members, £1.86 / litre for members
UL91 AVGAS £2.36 non-members / £2.30 Members
JET A1 - £1.33 / litre non members, £1.27 / litre for members
All prices inclusive of VAT
We currently have a hangarage waiting list- please get in touch if you would like to be added
Our Western Hangar is very popular and so spaces are always limited but it’s worth enquiring as spaces do become available from time to time. Hangarage fees are dependent on the size of the aircraft you wish to store so give us a call to discuss your requirements.
Outside spaces are also available on the grass and occasionally in the form of hard standings and are situated directly across from the tower.
For short stay aircraft there is a large visitors parking area on the western end of the airfield on the north side of the grass taxiway.
Hangarage Price on application
Members Movement Packages Price on Application
Outdoor Parking Members £1153.38 per annum
Overnight GA visitors outdoor parking £10.00 per nightOvernight Commercial visitors outdoor parking £20.00 per night
Up to 500kg £14.00
501 - 1699kg £18.00
1700 - 2500kg £30.00
2500-2749kg £44.00
Aircraft over 2750kg £26.40 plus VAT per Tonne or part thereof
When required the commercial handling fee is 2/3 of the landing fee
Rotary circuits and fixed wing Touch & Go circuits are charged at 50% of the landing fee.
Touch & Go circuit sessions (6 circuits plus 1 landing)£36.00 (501 - 1699kg)
£60.00 (1700 - 2749kg)
Shobdon Airfield holds a Border Force Certificate of Agreement permitting the handling of aircraft arriving from or departing for a place outside of the customs and fiscal territory of the United Kingdom.
Prices correct as of 1st August 2022
However often you visit, why not sign up for our Visitor Loyalty Card?
Get a stamp for every paid landing and your 7th landing is free of charge! Ask the staff team for a card on your next visit.
A valid out of hours permit must be obtained prior to any flying to or from Shobdon Airfield outside of licensed operating hours 09.15 – 17.00 (local).
Visiting pilots must apply for a temporary Out of Hours permit either in person or by telephone to the ATC.
For home based Club Members, please read the following Terms and Conditions, and complete this annual out of hours request form.
Terms & Conditions: OOH conditions May 2021A return email from ATSU will confirm receipt of request.
All applications for permits should be made a minimum of 24 hours prior to requirement.
PPR must still be notified by telephone during ATC hours for each visit – 01568 708369
Standard overhead join, not below 1500ft QFE dead side due to gliding, descend to circuit height of 1000ft QFE once south of runway.
Parachuting onto Shobdon airfield takes place from time to time, and when this is scheduled there will be a NOTAM specifying which days this will be on and the earliest and latest times for parachute drops. We are still open for visitors and based aircraft, but there will be short periods during the day when aircraft should remain clear of the drop-zone and may not land, take-off or have props turning.
When parachute drops are actually in progress the airfield is closed to all other traffic (this is usually for about 15 minutes). Shobdon Information (or Shobdon Radio) will broadcast when parachuting is imminent and then when it is in progress: during 'Parachuting in Progress' periods aircraft in the air will be asked to remain clear of the airfield, and those on the ground instructed to shut down until all chutes are on the ground.
At all other times the airfield will be open as normal. However, throughout parachuting days all aircraft must radio call for permission to start engines.
When you call for PPR we will be able to provide more information on dropping times. description
Here at Herefordshire Aero Club safety in all its aspects is of the highest importance.
Shobdon Airfield can be a busy environment with a variety of aviation activities from fixed-wing aircraft, microlights, helicopters, gyrocopters and gliders so PPR is essential.
If you are not getting a response to your radio calls please ensure you have the correct frequency for Shobdon Airfield 118.155.
Shobdon Specific Safety Matters:
When taxiing to the fuel pumps, stop and shut down before the double yellow lines and pull forward by hand if necessary. After fuelling, push back beyond aircraft away from the pumps before start up.SECURING PARKED AIRCRAFT ON THE WESTERN APRON
Please note there is a slight slope on the Western Apron, when leaving aircraft parked in this area please ensure that either the parking brake is applied or the aircraft is chocked to prevent it rolling down towards the active airfield or into other vehicles.
We would like to remind everyone that is the responsibility of members to ensure that all of their guests are fully briefed on the hazards of an active airfield and to ensure that they are not in the vicinity of any aircraft with its engine running or while it is preparing to start up. Members should also ensure that there are no unaccompanied persons on the 'liveside' at any time.
During periods when the grass taxiway is soft due to wet weather you may be asked to enter the main runway via the stub at "C" opposite the fuel pumps. At these times you may be instructed by the Tower to hold at "Charlie" for power checks. Please ensure that these checks are done on the north grass area before passing the signs C26-08 so as not to obstruct the runways.
With its close proximity to the northside grass runway, the grass taxiway can be mistaken as the runway. The following video shows the correct approach to the northside grass runway.
Useful Safety / Guidance Notices:
Please Fly Clear of Glider Sites.
Brize Norton CTR Crossing Guide-Oct 2018-O
SN-2022/001: Adjustable Seats in General Aviation Aircraft
Safety Sense Leaflet: Fuel Handling and Storage
CODE Project
Flying with an Active Carbon Monoxide Dioxide Detector
Carbon Monoxide in General Aviation
Update to Medical Requirements
Aircraft performance during exceptionally hot weather
Using a VFR Moving Map in hot weather?
Planning to Fly in the West Midlands
New Airworthiness Code for General Aviation
New And Updated Safety Sense Leaflet: Visual Fight Rules
Just Culture in UK General Aviation
Clued Up article on rejected takeoffs
Clued Up Magazine and Articles | Civil Aviation Authority
2023 Updated Safety Sense Leaflet: Radiotelephony
Restricted Airspace (Temporary) - Cheltenham Festival 14-17 March 2023
CHIRP General Aviation FEEDBACK Edition 95
Updated Safety Sense Leaflet: Distraction
VHF Low Level (LL) Common Frequency
Flying with an active carbon monoxide detector
Notification of Jamming Trial - Sennybridge 14 - 20th August 2023
CAA 8230 Safety Sense 22 Radiotelephony
Recording Electronic Flight Data
Astral Aviation Consulting Workshop: Winter Weather
Consultation - Pilot Medical Declaration (PMD) Phase 2 Review
New Report on Human Factors and Electronic Conspicuity
New Safety Sense Leaflet: Occurrence Reporting for General Aviation
Loss of Control - Stall and Spin Awareness Animation
SSL; Distraction and Interruption
Stay in Control | Civil Aviation Authority (caa.co.uk)
Notification of Jamming Trial
Sennybridge, 08 – 23 August 2024Take off decisions - go or no go? - CAA Safety files
Arrivals, departures and RT — Astral Aviation Consulting
Guidance published on mountain flying
Active Carbon Monoxide Detectors Safety Directive
Notification of Jamming Trial Sennybridge 2024
Due to potentially high volumes of traffic at times, we require all visiting pilots to obtain PPR by telephone.
01568 708369 ext 1
Operational hours 09.15 - 17.00
Shobdon Airfield Frequency: 118.155
Due to a shortage of FISO staff, on some weekdays an Air Ground service may be in operation at the airfield. A NOTAM will be issued and pilots will be advised when PPR is booked.
Follow these links for unofficial Weather Observations / Comments Only
You can check the latest weather and unofficial forecasts here.
Check NOTAMs before you fly here.
Check Weather Forecasts from the Met Office here (Login required)
Herefordshire Aero Club offers night flying one evening a week from October to March. This is usually planned for a Thursday unless the weather forecast favours another night.
To visit us during this time please call to check which evening we will be flying and PPR during ATC opening times.
You can view our airfield webcam and an unofficial weather observation on our website.