Our stratgic aims & Operational Plan
We have identified the following strategic objectives to develop and grow Herefordshire Aero Club:
Ensure safety is paramount in all operations and activities
Strengthen the leadership and governance of the business and the club, so that HAC has a Board of Directors able to oversee this Strategic plan with the support of members, and a succession plan to maintain this
Develop our staff to their full potential through training, incentives and sound management, so that HAC has a committed and happy staff team able to deliver this plan, and develop a succession plan to maintain this
Improve profitability of the business as a whole, and create reserves to maintain and invest in the airfield facilities and club aircraft fleet
Maintain a licensed airfield with facilities to support a wide range of flying activities, including Air Navigation and Air Traffic Service, a Rescue & Fire Fighting Service, maintenance, fuel and social catering amenities
Increase the volume and develop the range of flight training as an Approved Training Organisation
Grow the membership base of the club and encourage and develop members' flying
Maintain an appropriate and cost-effective aircraft fleet for training and members' use
Maintain and increase the profile of the airfield locally and nationally through events, publicity and initiatives
Pursue initiatives for environmentally responsible flying and reduction of the airfield's carbon footprint
Read about specific goals and initiatives below
Specific Goals and initiatives
Download the latest status for the goals and initiatives here.
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Goal Owners: Jane Stanton and Graham Hotchen
Enhance communication between members
Additional training courses for members: Flying courses, classes and ground school
Lectures on topical interests
Extended bar / social facilities available to members
Extend local community outreach
Develop HAC social membership value
Goal Owners: Hazel Highfield and Graham Hotchen
Improve Board financial information and understanding of club finances
Rolling forecasts for reserve planning and project evaluation
See longer term contracts with third parties
Form links with other airfields
Development of key metric scorecard
Goal Owner: Head of Training
Refresh and review the Fleet Review to meet needs of members, training and technology in consultation with members
Goal Owner: Jane Stanton
Evaluate replacement for Food & Flying Festival. Establish a working group.
Publish rolling list of annual events
Arrange programme of fly outs
Develop external partnership opportunities
Goal Owner: Neil Bumford
Review renumeration and benefit structures for all HAC staff
Formalise development and retention plans
Succession planning for key staff
Goal Owner: Hazel Highfield
Develop prioritised list of potential projects for 3 years
Improve facilities for visitors and associated funding